St. Mark Lutheran Church
Phone: 406-782-5935
Questions or comments?
Breaking News

Twenty-seven members and friends worshipped at St. Mark on the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. We welcome all our worshippers and hope that you can join us again soon.


At a special Voters’ Meeting on June 16, St. Mark decided to replace carpeting/flooring in the meeting room and kitchen, in addition to replacing carpet in the entryway and office.


There is a new sign-up sheet for 2024-2025 fellowship volunteers on the entryway bulletin board. Get there early to capture the best spots!


Vacation Bible School (VBS) will be July 28th through August 2nd. Carolyn and Pastor need volunteers to lead storytelling and help with crafts, games, snacks, and to decorate. Children from Kindergarten – 6th grade, or ages 3-4 (with adult attending) are welcome. Talk to Carolyn or Pastor if you know of children to invite or if you can help.


June ushers are Jim, Roy, and Art.


The Monday Morning and Thursday evening Bible classes are complete for the summer. We will start up again in September.


If you decide to contribute to St. Mark’s Scholarship Fund, make your check out to St. Mark, and mark your donation ‘Scholarship Fund’. St. Mark sends $500 each semester to two students (Joshua and Stephen Wareham) who are studying to become pastors. Your donations go to replenish the ‘Scholarship Fund’.


If you decide to contribute to the LWML Seminary Student Support Fund, make your check out to Mary Martha LWML, put it in the MITES box at the back of the church, or give it to Mary Patton. The LWML will track your donations and periodically forward funds collected to our seminary students.  


Email us and ask to be removed from our lists if you no longer want to receive updates from St. Mark. We know that some of you have moved and may have joined other congregations. Thank you.


Weekly Updates:

  • The last Sunday School for this school year was May 12. We will restart in the fall.
  • The last Confirmation class for this school year was May 12. We will restart in the fall.
  • The St. Mark food pantry is available to members as well as non-members. If you need something from the pantry or know of someone who might need food, talk to Angie, Pastor, or the Elders.


If you have news for St. Mark, email it to Angie so that we can get it into the weekly updates. 


Here is our schedule:

  • Sunday, June 30, 2024: Worship at 10:30 am. Recordings of each week’s Sunday service are generally available the following Monday.
  • Sunday, July 7, 2024: Worship at 10:30 am. Recordings of each week’s Sunday service are generally available the following Monday.
  • Sunday, July 14, 2024: Worship at 10:30 am with Holy Communion. Recordings of each week’s Sunday service are generally available the following Monday.
  • Sunday, July 21, 2024: Worship at 10:30 am. Recordings of each week’s Sunday service are generally available the following Monday.
  • Sunday, July 28, 2024: Worship at 10:30 am with Holy Communion. Recordings of each week’s Sunday service are generally available the following Monday.


Some other things:

  • Prayer list – keep these people in your prayers: Chris, Deanie, Jim, Joanne, Joyce, Meghan, Sherri, Cindy A’s mother, Patti’s husband, and Pastor Mavis.
  • Call the church if you need anything or have spiritual concerns.
  • Call Pastor Mavis if you would like private communion.
  • If you know of a catechism-age student or want to study God’s word and become a member at St. Mark, call Pastor Mavis or call the office and let Angie know your interest.


You can find St. Mark’s Covid Social Distancing Plan at (near the bottom of the page).


If you cannot worship with us on Sunday morning, here are some alternatives:

  • Recorded St. Mark service at
  • Services broadcast by Lutheran Hour Ministries:
  • KFUO Radio (A listener supported broadcast ministry of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod:
  • Weekly worship services at Worship Anew:


Let us know if the links do not work for you, and we will fix.


Tom Patton

Chairman, St. Mark